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Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and current directory of local childcare and educational resources for teachers and directors based in Orange and Durham counties, NC. We understand the importance of quality education and care for young children, and we strive to make it easier for educators to find the resources they need to provide the best possible start for the next generation.

It is really true that education cannot consist of external rules and techniques, but must arise from a true knowledge of the human being; this will lead to experiencing oneself as part of the world. And this experience of belonging to the world is what must be brought to children by educators.


- Rudolf Steiner





This online directory is a prototype made for a Master's Thesis Project at UNCW, meant to illustrate the need for easier and more comprehensive access to local resources in Early Childhood Education (ECE).  Because the website is still in early development, it is far from perfect or complete; however, resources have been compiled with coverage and ease of access in mind, especially in regards to underserved areas of education.  Thank you!

Sarah Prince


2400 University Dr., Durham, NC 27707

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